Articles from the
Reality Tweakers Archives

archived intro

rt1, April 2004

beginning deliberate creation,
  May 2004

rt2, May 1-11 2004

eyesight, May 1 2004

dis-ease, May 3 2004

Conversations with God excerpt
  and comment, May 5-12 2004

rt3, May 11-31 2004


expanded journey

Reality Tweakers:

archives, beginning deliberate creation


Good Morning All,

When I first starting exploring the idea of each person creating her/his own reality, it resonated strongly with me because I had always felt we had more influence over our experience than what I was taught. I plunged into it and since it seemed like a pretty simple concept, I thought surely I could wipe out all the 'wrong' things in my life and have everything running silver-smoothly in no time. I wonder if everybody does that— and I wonder how many succeed.

After that, whenever something happened for me that I didn't like, I could no longer blame it on things outside of me (though sometimes I tried! lol ) I took those things as personal affronts— big fat personal failures. Of course the judgment and resistance brings more of the same, and I'd get caught in my own little game of focusing on the 'problems' again & trying to figure out what I was doing 'wrong'. I've seen this reflected in others, and many have said we are our own worst critics. It can be easy to jump all over self, especially if we haven't been taught to value self and everything we do.

One of the things that helped me to be comfortable in sharing these deliberate creation ideas with other people 'close to home' was allowing myself to be okay with me having challenges, and to treat them more as explorations than failures. From my pov everything I experience is showing me something about myself— my beliefs, definitions, focus of attention— and since my main 'goal' (game, fascination) is learning more about the dynamics of 'reality' and self, the things I present myself with are either fun or are answers waiting to be uncovered/ recognized/ realized (which, once I recognize this, also makes them fun.)

Some people with whom I talked about this were surprised to hear me talk of curiosities, discomforts, and challenges. It tickled me, because as strong as my beliefs are that these concepts are 'real', I don't pretend to have all the answers or set myself up to be some kind of guru. At the same time I don't feel I need one, which can also be disconcerting to some people. Every expert or spook or entity or teacher in my experience has said something with which I disagreed, and I believe I've created this to remind myself that I'm the only one who knows for me— others may have miles of great sounding stuff but it always comes back to how do I feel about it, does it make sense/ resonate or not. I am the only one who chooses for me, and I believe we each do that. In my journeys I've found some who resonate with me the majority of the time, and these are the quotations I share. I believe they're all pretty much saying the same things, using different verbiage and different approaches to reach different people.

Basically (my pov) we all chose to plunge into limitation, because we could— because we are all eternal, infinite beings and maybe wanted to explore who/ what we are not in order to be able to choose who/ what we are, and wanted the experience instead of just the knowing. Many of us are in a place of waking up to who we really are, coming out of the ideas of limitation and separation, remembering we are not victims, seeing the patterns of how things unfold, and have been or are starting to tweak our experience.

Okay that'll work as my 'intro' I guess, :) feel free to post about yourselves and your interests/ explorations/ beliefs, to post other stuff regarding tweaking reality, or to comment on the stuff that's already been posted.

Glad you are here. :)
