Articles from the
Reality Tweakers Archives

archived intro

rt1, April 2004

beginning deliberate creation,
  May 2004

rt2, May 1-11 2004

eyesight, May 1 2004

dis-ease, May 3 2004

Conversations with God excerpt
  and comment, May 5-12 2004

rt3, May 11-31 2004


expanded journey

Reality Tweakers:

archives, CwG excerpt and comments May 2004


Hi All,

Here's a quotation from Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch, beginning right after his long list of questions. (Chapter 3)

"Good. Now we're getting to it. Don't apologize for these questions. There are the questions men and women have been asking for hundreds of years....

I have established Laws in the Universe that make it possible for you to have— to create— exactly what you choose. These Laws cannot be violated, nor can they be ignored. You are following these Laws right now, even as you read this. You cannot not follow the Law, for these are the ways things work. You cannot step aside from this; you cannot operate outside of it.

... You are in a partnership with God. We share an eternal covenant. My promise is to always give you what you ask. Your promise is to ask; to understand the process of the asking and the answering. I've already explained this process to you once. I'll do so again, so that you clearly understand it.

You are a three-fold being. You consist of body, mind, and spirit. You could also call these the physical, the non-physical, and the meta-physical. This is the Holy Trinity, and it has been called by many names.

That which you are, I am. I am manifested as Three-In-One. Some of your theologians have called this Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Your psychiatrists have recognized this triumvirate and called it conscious, subconscious, and superconscious. Your philosophers have called it the id, the ego, and the super ego. Science calls this energy, matter, and anti-matter. Poets speak of mind, heart, and soul. New Age thinkers refer to body, mind, and spirit....

... The beginning is God. The end is action. Action is God creating— or God experienced.

Your thought about yourself is that you are not good enough, not wondrous enough, not sinless enough, to be a part of God, in partnership with God. You have denied for so long Who You Are that you have forgotten Who You Are.

This has not occurred by coincidence; this is not happenstance. It is all part of the divine plan— for you could not claim, create, experience— Who You Are if you already were it. It was necessary first for you to release (deny, forget) your connection to Me in order to fully experience it by fully creating it— by calling it forth.

... The promise of God is that you are His son. Her offspring. Its likeness. His equal.

Ah... here is where you get hung up. You can accept "His son, " "offspring," "likeness," but you recoil at being called "His equal." It is too much to accept. Too much bigness, too much wonderment— too much responsibility. For if you are God's equal, that means nothing is being done to you— and all things are created by you. There can be no more victims and no more villains— only outcomes of your thought about a thing.

I tell you this: all you see in your world is the outcome of your idea about it.

Do you want your life to truly "take off"? Then change your idea about it. About you. Think, speak, and act as the God You Are.

Of course this will separate you from many— most— of your fellow men. They will call you crazy. They will say you blaspheme. They will eventually have enough of you, and they will attempt to crucify you. They will do this not because they think you are living in a world of your own illusions (most men are gracious enough to allow you your private entertainments), but because, sooner or later, others will become attracted to your truth— for the promises it holds for them.

Here is where your fellow men will interfere— for here is where you will begin to threaten them. For your simple truth, simply lived, will offer more beauty, more comfort, more peace, more joy, and more love of self and others than anything your earthly fellows could contrive. And that truth, adopted, would mean the end of their ways. It would mean the end of hatred and fear and bigotry and war....

... You want the pain to stop, the suffering to stop, the illusion to end. You have had enough of this world as it presently is. You seek a newer world.

Seek it no longer. Now, call it forth.

... This whole process is a massive move to consciousness. What you will find out if you undertake this challenge is that you've spent half your life unconscious. That is to say, unaware on a conscious level of what you are choosing in the way of thoughts, words and deeds until you experience the aftermath of them. Then, when you experience these results, you deny that your thoughts, words and deeds had anything to do with them.

This is a call to stop such unconscious living. It is a challenge to which your soul has called you from the beginning of time.

[...] Begin at once to imagine it the way you want it to be— and move into that.... When you have a thought that is not in alignment with your higher vision, change to a new thought, then and there. When you say a thing that is out of alignment with your grandest idea, make a note not to say something like that again....

...I'm not talking about ignoring the problem, or pretending it isn't there. I'm talking about noticing the circumstance, and then telling your highest truth about it.

... The first thing to understand about the universe is that no condition is "good" or "bad." It just is. So stop making value judgments.

The second thing to know is that all conditions are temporary. Nothing stays the same, nothing remains static. Which way a thing changes depends on you."

copyright 1995 Neale Donald Walsch



What no comments? :D
I thought surely somebody would peg a chunk of this quotation as being not-so-individually-empowering.
Did anybody read it? :)

I do what has been called by Abraham "selective sifting"— although I didn't have that term until fairly recently— I take what resonates with me and leave behind the rest. I have found bits and pieces of good stuff all over the place, and I don't feel compelled to accept everything around them as true for me. That said, I really liked this book, but when I first read the part about people separating from those who align with these ideas, and all the stuff about "they'll try to crucify you", etc— I thought to myself, "but that's just beliefs, expectations... one wouldn't have to experience that sort of thing. To say that will happen is like projecting a prophecy of doom, and I don't particularly need to believe that sort of alienation/ disempowerment thing any more."

...might have just been checking to see if I was paying attention. :)

(Not to say I haven't seen a bit of that rejection/ attack thing— just saying it doesn't have to be that way— no reason to expect it and thereby create it or more of it. ..and I believe it happens by agreement, that it's not just thrust upon anybody.)

Over the past year especially, in my experience, there have been fewer dissenters and many more supporters of the idea that we influence the energy that underlies/ makes up matter, all the time— and that we can consciously influence it, alter it on purpose, and experience the results physically. I do believe the 'grassroots' sort of expansion of these ideas has reached that 'critical mass' that puts this option out there in the open for everybody instead of having it hidden over in the corner somewhere, where people have to dig for it. So my guess is less rejection and separation from here on out, more acceptance and people saying "hey you know I felt that way all along."

Maybe the whole world is a breath away from transformation, maybe I am just aligning myself with a probable reality/ world template that is showing me these things now for the first time when others have seen it for a long time... or maybe it's just my perception and other people do see a totally different sort of world... but I like the world I've been seeing lately. ..More individuals feeling happier and more self-empowered— not "power-over" which (to me) exemplifies weakness, but "power from within" which is true power, owning their own ability to transform their lives without having to control or hurt anybody else to do so. ..More individuals exploring why things are the way they are and how they can be changed for the better for all involved, and going at it from an underlying energy standpoint instead of just looking at all the symptoms....

..Anyway before I ramble on for too long here, that's my pov on the whole 'instant rejection' thing. It's not necessary. ..although if it does happen, it can show a person some interesting things if one cares to use it in that way.... Not saying anything 'bad' about what the book was saying, maybe ten years ago when the book was published that was more likely to happen— I just prefer to think it doesn't need to now. There is a whole bunch of good stuff in that book, from my pov. :)
