Articles from the
Reality Tweakers Archives

archived intro

rt1, April 2004

beginning deliberate creation,
  May 2004

rt2, May 1-11 2004

eyesight, May 1 2004

dis-ease, May 3 2004

Conversations with God excerpt
  and comment, May 5-12 2004

rt3, May 11-31 2004


expanded journey

Reality Tweakers:

archives, Tweaking Physical Experience: Eyesight


Hi All :)

One of the ideas I began to play with was eyesight— why could some multiple personalities need glasses and others not; why could the entities being channeled through toss aside the eyeglasses while the personalities who usually consciously used the bodies "needed" them?

I decided it must have more to do with the perspective than the physical ability of the eyes, and that the belief in eyesight deteriorating over time was just a belief that I no longer had to choose for myself. I went to the family eye doctor that I had gone to the year before, and this time he surprisedly reduced my prescription. I asked him what he thought about eye yoga (which I didn't do) and things like that, 'alternative' things people have done to improve their eyesight. He said those were hoaxes, that anything short of laser surgery would not improve the eyesight for more than a few minutes— yet he had just reduced my own prescription. He seemed unable to grasp the implications and I felt he didn't want to talk about it any more as he quickly made his exit.

The following year my eyes tested better again. There was a new doctor in the office this time and I was seen by him. He also reduced my prescription and said "wow, that doesn't happen often." He asked me what I was doing and I told him I no longer chose to believe they had to keep getting worse.. in fact I felt they could get better. He shook his head. It didn't make sense to him and I didn't push it, but I did like the idea that maybe I was giving him something to think about. :) He told me something like "that's impossible", but he didn't sound like he was entirely convinced.

They had a special deal running for my particular kinds of contact lenses-- order a year of them at once and get a reduced price. I asked, "What if my eyesight improves again before the year is over, can I trade them in?" The office people said, "It won't; that doesn't happen." LOL! I eventually got them to agree that yes I could trade them in just in case some sort of unheard-of miracle happened and my eyes got better. It was as if they couldn't even acknowledge the proof that was right in front of their faces, for the second time in a row.

During my visits over the years with eye doctors they had always been amazed that my eyes were so healthy since I wore my extended-wear soft contacts for months at a time without taking them out. They did not find the protein build-up on them that they usually did and I recognized that was just something I didn't feel I needed to participate with. Back then I didn't call it a belief, it was just a knowing that that was something I didn't feel like screwing with & so I wouldn't.

They started insisting I get check-ups yearly anyway (as had been required for as long as I had been wearing contacts but I conveniently failed to comply) and I went along with them when my eyesight began to improve. And since I figured the prescription would probably change anyway, I might as well start wearing the contacts for the shorter amount of time and throwing them away like I was 'supposed' to since I had a year's worth of them. Sure enough, after a while I noticed them becoming fuzzy/ uncomfortable after a couple weeks and I would throw them away. What difference since the years I wore them for three months at a time? My own decisions, that's it.

When last fall rolled around, I still hadn't gone through all of my lenses and I didn't feel like seeing the doctor. Previously when I had called to reschedule they were very insistent on making a new appointment right then for as soon as possible. This time I decided it would be no problem to ditch, and when I called them & told them I needed to reschedule but would have to get back to them later about a new time, they were very nice and said that was fine.

I haven't gone back in yet nor heard from them (that was six months ago). There's a part of me that likes playing with this, the 'papertrail of proof' thing, and a part of me that still insists I 'ought to' be able to just see clearly right away without any lenses and without any surgery. Sometimes I have taken my lenses out and played with taking my glasses off throughout the day, trying to see clearly without them. The effort hasn't worked, but there were a couple times I functioned just fine without them for a few minutes until I realized I didn't have the glasses on & then suddenly everything was fuzzy. I wasn't 'trying' to see clearly then, though, it's like I could by default but when I thought about it I messed it up. :p So I know it's 'all in my head'— my beliefs/ definitions and expectations. I play with it sometimes, and when it starts to become a 'problem that I need to fix' then I have to back off and go do something else, because I know I don't get there from there.

Just thought I'd share one of my reality tweaks with y'all, and this one is even professionally documented, for whatever that's worth. Comments welcome.




August 2, 2011, Eyesight update

This is not Tweaker archive material but since I was in here updating my code I thought I would add an update to the story as well. Turned out it was quite a while that I didn't go back. No problems for me, but I had eventually run out of lenses. They don't renew prescriptions without exams so I made an appointment. When I went in the woman at the front desk asked how long it had been since I'd been in there and I didn't know— turned out her records said five years. !!

I was sincerely in shock, couldn't believe it had been that long. They were sincerely in shock for different reasons-- everybody in the office looked at me like I was going to go blind for not taking care of my eyes! My shock matched their shock and I was open to bombardment and the guilt— oh my gosh, five years! I felt terrible! I told them I wore my glasses sometimes so it's not like the supply of lenses should only last me a certain number of months anyway, but it didn't help, my guilty feelings and shock combined with going against their grain created an avalanche.

But not too bad of one, because as much as they may have wanted to prove me wrong, the eyes still tested healthy. ;)

I got read the riot act up one side and down the other from the doctor, who was just doing his job within his beliefs and I understand that, but he threatened to stop writing me contact prescriptions and that sucked. This is the law now I guess, everybody's doing it, can't have prescriptions without exams every year and must follow orders. My eyes were healthy! It makes no sense. I went to the extra expense of getting the super-duper intense tests done, all good.

But I made a very big effort to go along with the proper rules since I told him that I would, to keep track of time regarding my lenses, writing on the calendar when I took them out, when I put the new ones in, when I took those out— which is a really big deal for a person who does not do calendar time. This would take a while to explain to anybody still enmeshed in the old paradigm but those of you who have stepped outside of it for the most part are feeling me now— we just don't do calendar time like they do calendar time; we don't create as many minutes. That's a ramble for a different area.

So anyway I was following their official schedule and marking the calendar to make sure I was not wearing the lenses longer than they said. Although, since I wore my glasses for a couple days or so every time I took the lenses out, I still wound up with more leftover lenses at the end of the year than I was supposed to have. They don't care, they want you to buy another year's worth right then anyway...

A couple years of this and I had contact lenses coming out of my ears again, meanwhile the time-awareness and focus of attention made them much less comfortable than they used to be. So I started throwing them out more often. Wear them for a few days and they bother me so I throw them out— have oodles here anyway, why not? Have to buy more anyway. But it feels wasteful, and I don't like that they used to be comfortable no-things and then got made into such a big damn deal. Which is where the ycyor comes in, and folks arguing, not understanding how they could have created that which they did not want. It's very simple— resistance— and here's a great example. :p I have lots. :p

One of the people in the office having such a big cow over my obviously wearing my lenses longer than I was supposed to said she could not wear even extended-wear lenses longer than three days because of the protein build-up. Well that's no big wonder if you believe that wearing them for too long will cause damage and you're in a profession that reinforces that constantly.

But aside from the creative time vs. productive rat-race time life difference in the calendar— which is a really big difference — and the beliefs and fears regarding harm and damage, did it never occur to anybody that a vegetarian has different contact lens time requirements than omnivores? People tell me I need to eat more protein but the World Health Organization says most people in industrialized countries eat three times more protein than is healthy! What if the bodies are trying so hard to purge themselves of all this extra protein poison that they're even layering it on the contact lenses? What if this is what makes it so that "research shows" people should not wear their lenses for a long time?

This is why I don't like old paradigm gestalts. Quite aside from not liking people telling me that my natural way of doing things is wrong :p they don't make proper sense. But as it's nearly time for that lovely office visit again I'm not really feeling like going into more resistance over it right now. :p

The multiple-personality thing about some of them needing glasses and some not needing them at all when they are all using the same eyes and brain has always been a fascination for me, and when starting out with ycyor I used the eyesight as an example to myself that I could make changes that officially I was not supposed to be able to make. Since it was out of resistance for having to pay for exams and buy glasses and contact lenses, I'm a little surprised it worked at all lol. Having made the changes then I went on to other things that were more important to me and really figured stepping out of the resistance over paying for those things was the best way to go since the contacts really were an easy solution and I had enough other things to deal with. I decided to let sleeping dogs lie, as they say.

My prescription which had gotten worse consistently all of my life before I decided to tweak it, and then made it better, twice, has stayed the same (the lower prescription) all these years since then.