Reality Tweakers:
archives, rt3, May 11-31, 2004
Hi All,
This morning I woke up from a dreamstate in which I had been going in and out of other dreams, teaching people how to dream,
being a "dream teacher". It was a fantastic dream but it brought up questions for me regarding "teaching"... I can see a
usefulness for it but at the same time I don't like the hierarchy it implies. I prefer to think of everybody as equals. I think
everybody teaches just by being who they are, and everybody learns/ remembers from what they perceive in others, if they choose to.
So singling out somebody as a "teacher" is one of those quirky things for me, especially when it was myself, like a big flashing
neon of "Hierarchy! Judgment!" ..which is of course my perception, and maybe that's what I'm presenting myself to look into...
I wondered how we reflect back to Bashar and other "teachers". He constantly reminds us that in sharing with him we are being of service. He says they learn new ways All That Is has of seeing Itself, and that is of value to them. (He also says he is just reflecting to us what we already know on some level but may have consciously forgotten for a little bit.) Maybe the contrast of limitation broadens their feeling of integration?
I wonder if it's like peering into a room with a door, at the people in there, every once in a while reminding them they can use the door if they want to, as they talk themselves out of it or don't believe they can. There is broader experience available, and at the same time they know we'll come out when we're ready to. They're not concerned nor do they wish for us anything we don't freely choose for ourselves.
They also recognize something I have a tendency to forget, that the richness of limited physical experience, being inside that room, is experience like no other and is of value for the experience itself, not 'less than' anything else. My preference is to integrate more of myself into physical experience, remember more, explore more of the possibilities, have more fun. :) Wander around the park (not leave the whole park) instead of wondering what's on the outside of the door.
All of this made me wonder what I really wanted from this group.... I like to share perspectives of things going on in my experience with people who understand ycyor (you create your own reality) concepts, or who are at least interested in them. I like to explore the concepts further, and group discussion can lead to exponential growth/ remembering, as we reflect aspects of self back to self & look at different perspectives of the same ideas. Several times aspects (my perception of other individuals) have reflected back to me just the "key" I was looking for to make sense of something in my life that I was not seeing.
This is already something I've been doing online with people all over the place, but I also like the idea of getting together and doing things in person with people of like mind, who don't buy into the evil universe ideas, who know we have more of an influence over our experience than what we were (I was) taught. Something as simple as going to lunch and saying, "huh, wonder why I created that?" and having people know what I'm talking about instead of getting that 'deer in the headlights' look. :) Another benefit to a local group is we can share and borrow/ trade books and tapes etc, more easily, and if anybody's interested we can get together for energy projects etc., in addition to get-togethers for socializing and discussing these ideas. We can also go as a group to related events— for example, Abraham channeling in Dallas and Kansas City this fall. If the group gets big enough, I/ we could bring in speakers or do seminar type stuff here in Enid, and everybody else could road-trip it for a change. :)
I like the idea of maybe offering opportunity for others to re-member by sending them re-minders, as others have & still do for me— but I recognize that the things that resonate strongly for me to share are things I'm reminding myself of. As I integrate more of these ideas into my experience, even the most "basic" reminders become profound on new levels. Tweaking the ideas, having questions, listening to other people's perspectives and offering my perspective, makes them that much clearer to me, and/ or opens up new things to explore.
In that way, I guess I can see the idea of what you said D about "if you want to learn something, teach it." When I was teaching pottery I did learn a lot more, simply because my students came up with different questions than I had "when I was learning" (as if we ever stop learning). At the same time, there's this niggling thing ever-present in my mind when it comes to consciousness expansion/ exploration that says everybody I interact with has lived probably at least hundreds of lives, and knows everything there is to know— even if they're pretending to forget lol— so why would I call myself teacher? Everybody is already exploring exactly what they want to explore here in space/time, whether that be games of limitation or games of waking up to more of ourselves... (no disrespect intended with the "games" word) and even those just beginning to do "wake up" have a plethora of "teachers" already out there to reflect back to them "answers".. all I can offer is my perspective. :)
I can say I feel like I have experience and an understanding now for a lot of these ideas, after working with them intensely for a few years, and that my perspective will most likely differ from somebody who never heard of it before— but not necessarily lol. :D The applicability and understanding I have may not apply at all for another person— then again it may, and I'm happy to share :)
oh yeah, welcome to the new people, feel free to post introductions, etc., and if you want to see some of the links and
material that's already been posted, the website for the list/ group is
Hi All,
I've had people questioning me privately if it was okay to ask other people to join the list. Yes, that's great. :) Two things they may want to know:
1. This group is for tweaking reality, and things related (see description), and is a respectful space.
2. The group is primarily local and we will be having in-person meetings. Distant people might be interested in joining the mailing list/yahoo group, and maybe we can talk them into some astral travelling or psychic games. :)
If you know somebody who resonates to the sorts of ideas presented in the group or you think they may be interested, then by all means pass along the information:
people can see the description of the group and sign up by going to the website
or skip the description and send an email to
New members automatically go on moderated status until they've either let us know we already know them, or have posted enough to let me know they're not just joining up to send spam to everybody. :)
I think that's it— any more questions/ comments let me know. :)
Here's a site that was sent to me by a local friend,
I haven't had a chance to go through the tons of channeling yet but there's an interview with Mike Dooley on there
(TUT) that I listened to, that was really great. :)
just in case the interview doesn't show up on the front page like it did for me, since it's an October interview (maybe the front page is random?) Here's a direct link to the page with Mike on it, can get to his interview from there. I loved it. :D
some short Bashar quotations:
"The whole idea of sharing with you is that we will always hand you back your power and let you know you have the ability to create the lives you want, regardless of what we say— or any other being says, on this or any other level. We will share with you the perspective of life that has worked for us, what we know can result in absolute control over your own lives, in the creation of what you desire in a positive way. For that is our particular preference."
on neutral situations:
"We would like to continue discussing the idea that all situations and circumstances within your physical experience, your day-to-day reality, are basically neutral props in relation to each other, and have no inherent meaning within them other than the meaning you give to them yourselves. Everything being blank, empty, neutral allows you to extract for the circumstance the effects you desire by assigning to it the appropriate meaning. It is simple mechanics: positive meaning in, positive effect out; negative meaning in, negative effect out."
on true self:
"Remember, for every single thing that you truly want to do, that is truly representative of you, there will always be a place and a time in which it can be done. You would not exist if that were not so. There is never one side to creation. Always it is complete. And for every desire, for every true self wish, for every soul wish, there is always the opportunity to manifest that wish in the reality you are in right now."
on natural self:
"Only by being your natural self will you be your natural shape and only by being your natural shape will you fit in the original space designed just for little.. old.. you, and by fitting in that space do you then act in service to every other piece, because then you support the whole which supports all the other pieces who are willing to be their true, natural shape. That's how it works."
on process:
"... in no way, shape or form does it (process) need to be as long, involved, or complicated as many of you have created it to be. If you are willing to remember that desire and imagination, in and of themselves, actually represent your manifestability, you can then allow the time frame between the original conception and the manifestation to be extremely short.
"Desire— your ability to desire something— is your ability to manifest it. The Universe, as we have said, does not
toss you one-sided coins. If you find within yourself the capacity to desire something that is your signal that you have the
capacity to manifest it— easily, effortlessly, as quickly as you possibly can believe you are capable of doing so."
copyright Darryl Anka
Abraham, Directing Your Focus:
"There are only two things that cause a stagnation or a slowing. One is, a looking in [the] opposite direction. In other words, resistance. Wanting something but focusing upon the opposite of it and so, disallowing it. And the other is, not holding thought long enough upon anything. And that's what we want to talk with you about. What genius is, is nothing more than attention to a subject. Attention to a subject. Because Law of Attraction takes care of everything else.
And so, it is our absolute knowing that you could make a game by saying, "I'm going to focus upon" - and choose some subject where you have light interest. And make a decision that everyday you're gonna spend 15 or 20 minutes talking about it, writing about it, looking through magazines, tearing out pictures about it.
And Law of Attraction would make it bigger, bigger, bigger, bigger, bigger, bigger, bigger really fast in your experience. In other words, you would see momentum begin to go...
And so there is no limitation in regards to what you could flow energy toward.
When you say, "I want something." Source Energy goes to work on it. And it will expand even without your turning your attention back to it. But you cannot turn your attention to the opposite of it."
Houston, TX 1/5/02 quote copyright Abraham-Hicks Publications.
Seth exercises, part 3
Here are two quotations on probable selves and changing the 'past'.
This one is from Seth Speaks, pp 231-232:
"One event can be actualized by more than one probable self, however, and you will resemble some probable selves more than others. Because you are involved in an intricate psychological gestalt such as this, and because the connections mentioned earlier do exist, you can avail yourself to some extent of abilities and knowledge possessed by these other probable portions of your personality.
The connections make for quite constant 'bleed-throughs.' Once you are aware of the probable system, however, you will also learn to become alert to what I will here call 'benign intrusive impulses.' Such impulses would seem to be disconnected from your own current interests or activities; intrusive in that they come quickly into consciousness, with a sense of strangeness as if they are not your own. These can often offer clues of various kinds. You may know absolutely nothing about music, for example, and one afternoon while in the middle of some mundane activity be struck by a sudden impulse to buy a violin.
Such an impulse could be an indication that another probable portion of your identity is gifted with that instrument. I am not telling you to run off and buy one, but you could however act on the impulse as far as is reasonably possible - renting a violin, simply acquainting yourself with violin concerto, etc.
You would learn the instrument far quicker, you see, if the impulse was originating with a probable self. It goes without saying then that probable selves exist in your 'future' as well as your past. It is very poor policy to dwell negatively on unpleasant aspects of the past that you know, because some portions of the probable self may still be involved in that past. The concentration can allow greater bleed-through and adverse identification, because that part will be one background that you have in common with any probable selves who sprang from that particular source.
To dwell upon the possibility of illness or disaster is equally poor policy, for you set up negative webs of probabilities that need not occur. You can theoretically alter your own past as you have known it, for time is no more something divorced from you than probabilities are.
The past existed in multitudinous ways. You only experienced one probable past. By changing this past in your mind, now, in your present, you can change not only its nature but its effect, and not only upon yourself but upon others.
Pretend a particular event happened that greatly disturbed you. In your mind imagine it not simply wiped out, but replaced by another event of more beneficial nature. Now this must be done with great vividness and emotional validity, and many times. It is not a self-deception. The event that you choose will automatically be a probable event, which did in fact happen, though it is not the event you chose to perceive in your given probable past.
Telepathically, if the process is done correctly, your idea will also affect any people who were connected with the original event, though they can choose to reject as well as accept your version.
This is not a book on techniques, so I will not go into this particular method deeply, but merely mention it here. Remember, however, that in a most legitimate way many events that are not physically perceived or experienced are as valid as those that are, and are as real within your own invisible psychological environment.
There are in your terms, then, unlimited probable future events for which you are now setting groundworks. The nature of the thoughts and feelings you originate and those that you habitually or characteristically receive set a pattern, so you will choose from those probable futures those events that will physically become your experience.
Because there are bleed-throughs and interconnections, it is possible for you to tune into a 'future event,' say of an unfortunate nature, an event for which you are headed if you continue on your present course. A dream about it, for instance, may so frighten you that you avoid the event and do not experience it. If so, such a dream is a message from a probable self who did experience the event.
So can a child then in a dream receive such communications from a probable future self, of such a nature that its life is completely changed. The entire identity is being now. All divisions are merely illusions, so one probable self can hold out a helping hand to another, and through these inner communications the various probable selves in your terms begin to understand the nature of their identity."
Seth adds more about this exercise in 'The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events', p. 59:
"Now: In certain terms the past, present, and future [of your present life] are all compressed in any given moment of your experience.
Any such moment is therefore a gateway into all of your existence. The events that you recognize as happening now are simply specific and objective, but the most minute element in any given moment's experience is also symbolic of other events and other times. Each moment is then like a mosaic, only in your current life history you follow but one color or pattern, and ignore the others. As I have mentioned [in other books], you can indeed change the present to some extent by purposefully altering a memory event. That kind of synthesis can be used in many instances with many people.
Such an exercise is not some theoretical, esoteric, impractical method, but a very precise, volatile, and dynamic way of helping the present self by calming the fears of a past self. That past self is not hypothetical, either, but still exists, capable of being reached and of changing its reactions. You do not need a time machine to alter the past or the future.
Such a technique is highly valuable. Not only are memories not 'dead,' they are themselves ever-changing. Many alter themselves almost completely without your notice. In his (unpublished) apprentice novels, Ruburt (Jane) did two or three versions of an episode with a priest he had known in his youth. Each version at the time he wrote it represented his honest memory of the event. Note the bare facts were more or less the same, the entire meaning and interpretation of each version differed so drastically that those differences far outweighed the similarities.
Because the episode was used on two or three different occasions, Ruburt could see how this memory changed. In most cases, however, people are not aware that memory changes in such a fashion, or that the events they think they recall are so different.
The point is that past events grow. They are not finished. With that in mind, you can see that future lives are very difficult to explain from within your framework. A completed life in your terms is no more completed or done than any event. There is simply a cutoff point in your focus from your framework, but it is as artificial as, basically, perspective is applied to painting.
It is not that the inner self is not aware of all of this, but that it has already chosen a framework, or a given frame of existence, that emphasizes certain kinds of experience over others."
happy playing :)
If anybody wants to read ahead to other exercises, many of them have been transcribed to the 'net and can be found at Nirvikalpa (from the home page go to menu selection "Channeled", click on "Seth")
(there is also a selection of Abraham stuff, same menu, click on "Abraham")
Shorties from Abraham before I take off on vacation:
We are wanting to awaken within you, your memory of how wonderful you are! How brilliant you are! How good you are! How worthy
of whatever you are wanting you are!
Abraham - G 1/13/91
Play Your Way Through This
Your greatest value to others is when you are joyful. Your greatest value to others is when you are connected. Your greatest
value to others is to be radiantly healthy. Your greatest value to others is when you are happy. Your greatest value to others is
to have and do all the things that are important to you. And as you are living that and vibrating that—then you are a
catalyst that is inspiring others to an awareness of that.
Abraham - - 2/1/92
Our strongest wanting for you is that you lighten up.
In other words, spend more time looking for things to laugh about and play with. Play your way through this. It really is
the key. When you follow your bliss it is always an easy journey.
Abraham - - 9/4/93
copyright Abraham-Hicks Publications.
The Institute of Noetic Sciences
(from the website, "about" page:)
We are a nonprofit membership organization located in Northern California that conducts and sponsors leading-edge
research into the potentials and powers of consciousness?including perceptions, beliefs, attention, intention, and
intuition. The institute explores phenomena that do not necessarily fit conventional scientific models, while maintaining
a commitment to scientific rigor.
Abraham: purpose, decisions, appreciation:
Q: My question is about life purpose....
Abe: Joy.
(Brief pause, then to audience:) Next.
— Abe — Albuquerque, N.M., 7/21/01
'Make more decisions about what?' our friend asks. Make more decisions about everything. In other words, as you
are getting into your car, make a decision that you will enjoy your ride to wherever you are going. As you turn on the
radio, make a decision that you will find something that is stimulating and uplifting. As you make a telephone call,
make a decision that you will get your point across and that you will uplift the person with whom you interact.
As you order your food, make a decision that it will benefit you in all ways, that it will fuel you and satisfy you in every way. As you put yourself in your bed, make a decision that you are going to rest well and you are going to wake up refreshed. As you pick up a book, make a decision that you will glean something from it of benefit. As you turn on the television, make a decision that you will find something that will satisfy some question that you have been asking. As you go to a gathering, make a decision that you will glean something from it that will be beneficial and that you will give something to it that will be beneficial. In other words, make more decisions.
So many of you are so sure that somebody else is controlling your life that you just blunder through life guarded. In
other words, what's your goal? 'To stay out of trouble.' What's your goal in life? 'Well, to avoid disease and stay out of
bankruptcy and to hopefully not get too bad of a relationship going.' Most of the decisions we hear from you are what you
don't want, where what you are wanting to talk about is what you DO want.
— Abe — G-5/13/95
Are you understanding that appreciation and self-love is the most important tool that you could ever nurture, that the
appreciation of others and the appreciation of yourself is the closest vibrational match to your Source energy of anything that
we have ever witnessed?
When you are appreciating or when you are loving or when you are acknowledging the value of something, you are in that moment a vibrational match to the Source that is truly you.
Do not worry about where you are at any point in time. Don't take score and beat up on yourself. Just make a decision that
from right here where I stand I'm going to reach for the thought that feels the very best of anything I have access to, and
understand that your Inner Being is adoring you, always....
— Abe — Spokane, WA, 5/30/00
copyright Abraham-Hicks Publications